Vision and Values
'Exploring and Learning Together, Inspiring Each Other'
Stanford Infant School celebrates
kindness and friendship, respect, creativity and courage.
We are inclusive, value diversity and celebrate all cultures.
We are committed to looking after the world we live in.
Our safe and happy learning environment
engages, challenges and inspires our learners
on the beginning of a journey of learning forever.
1. We will develop a culture of creativity
- Develop a rich, relevant and inspiring curriculum that develops pupil’s thinking and self-evaluative skills and different learning styles;
- Plan for the use of open and higher order questions to extend thinking;
- Afford children many and varied opportunities to engage in the planning and execution of their own learning – special weeks/school visits;
- Value and celebrate a wide range of different methods of recording and expressing learning;
- Provide many opportunities for enriching and extending the curriculum drawing upon external sources and expertise wherever possible, including taking part in the Brighton Festival;
- Actively involve and encourage parental and other community participation where possible.
2. We will provide a safe and happy learning environment
- Have modern and exciting resources that capture children’s imagination and interest;
- Make our curriculum active based on high quality, well planned first hand experience;
- Plan the curriculum in such a way that meaningful cross-curricular links are exploited whilst not losing the rigour of subject content and learning objectives;
- Be imaginative in our teaching approaches and curriculum organisation;
- Create and maintain a vibrant, stimulating, high quality interactive learning environment throughout school;
- Provide Child Protection Training for all staff;
- Put into place a range of strategies to enable children to feel safe, including buddy system, ‘talk to teacher’ board, Lunchtime clubs;
- Ensure all staff are supported effectively by each other and are assigned a line manager who is also a member of the SLT.
3. We will provide for a culture of equality
- Encourage and promote ongoing personal and professional development opportunities for colleagues;
- Exploit individual strengths, talents and areas of expertise;
- Value, Celebrate and Praise individual achievement in its widest sense.
4. We will harness a culture of mutual respect
- Offer all Parents/Carers the opportunity to become a Class Representative;
- Develop a set of Golden Rules/Class Rules and Responsibilities;
- Invite children to be ‘buddies’ in year two, encouraging them to take a wider role in the school community;
- Expect everyone in school to treat each other with respect, saying “good morning” to each other;
- Enlist the support of parents/carers on regular occasions to support the school in a variety of ways, e.g. weekly support in class, school visits, specialist weeks, etc.
5. We will support and respect the individuality, initiative and innovation of children, staff and parents
- Our School Council takes an active role in the decision making process for things that directly involve the children;
- Endeavour to find out about parents/carers individual skills and utilise these where appropriate;
- Encourage parents/carers to support in school where appropriate;
- Provide specialist groups to suit the children’s needs, e.g. language groups, social skills groups, etc;
- Identify ‘Gifted and Talented’ pupils in our school and plan appropriately for their range of needs using knowledge of individual learning styles;
- Plan annual ‘teaching and learning’ weeks where the children are at the heart of the learning process;
- Use mind mapping as a tool for finding out what the children already know (including any misconceptions), would like to find out and finally what they have learnt.
6. We will celebrate quality and excellence
- Use fully the potential of ICT as a tool for enriching and extending the curriculum across all subjects;
- Set challenging but realistic class and whole school targets;
- Target appropriately the key areas of literacy, Numeracy and science;
- Regularly assess and track pupil progress in all year groups;
- Set challenging but realistic individual pupil targets and develop their skills in self-evaluation regarding these;
- Develop and implement effective curriculum policies and procedures that inform and guide best practice;
- Make use of displays and reward systems to ensure that all children feel valued and part of a community of learners;
- Set challenging but realistic individual pupil targets and develop their skills in self-evaluation regarding these;
- Develop and implement effective curriculum policies and procedures that inform and guide best practice.
7. We will develop a culture of improvement
- Develop an evolving community of learners who are dedicated to providing the best possible education for the children in our care;
- Evaluate planned learning opportunities on a weekly basis and at the end of each term, evaluating and improving what is on offer to the children according to the cohort/need;
- Ask the children what direction they would like their learning to take place through regular opportunities to talk about learning and through weekly learning journeys in class;
- Hold professional dialogues with staff and have an ‘open door’ policy where colleagues observe each other to seek new ideas or obtain advice;
- Plan a programme of training for all staff;
- Provide carefully planned professional development opportunities for all staff;
- Listen to the opinions of others and take these into account when planning for the future, e.g. outcomes from parent consultation meetings.
8. We will empower a community of learners
- Celebrate achievements of all;
- Plan regular parent workshops that empower parents/carers to actively support their children with learning at home;
- Welcome visitors into our school for a range of purposes;
- Use PPA time to enhance the learning opportunities provided for the children; including ICT and French;
- Offer a range of lunchtime and after school clubs;
- Wherever possible make links with pre-school providers and the Junior school so that we are at the centre of the learning community.