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Stanford Infant School

Remote Learning

Please see below some links to online learning websites, which you may like to visit. Individual resources cannot replace a school’s properly planned curriculum, and the resources in this list are not intended to do so. However, they may be useful for parents/carers in considering how you could support your children’s education at home.


Espresso: is an award-winning website with videos, games, and other resources designed to help your child learn. We use it at school to support different areas of learning:
Go to the website: www.discoveryeducation.co.uk
Click on ‘login’ in the top right and select ‘Espresso’
Enter your username: stanford
Enter your password: swan1



The Literacy Shed has downloadable resource packs with tasks based on video clips from YouTube.

Pobble 365 – a new image is published each day as a basis for creative writing. Story starters, questions and drawing ideas are provided.


The Children’s Poetry Archive is an an archive of spoken poetry recordings. Children can listen to poems read out loud.

You can access free Talk for Writing Home-Learning units. The units are age-related but please pick and choose what is right for each child. They all include a model text which is also available as a streamed audio recording.



NRICH has a range of activities. Some are interactive and some are to be completed offline. Activities are categorised by age range.

The Hamilton Trust (Home Learning Section) has downloadable resource packs with teacher guidance. A week’s worth of resources is provided for each year group.

CBeebies Numberblocks has videos for numeracy development designed for children aged 0 to 6. There are fun activities that can be applied to everyday life and play.

TopMarks offers a range of interactive maths games categorised by age group.

WhiteRose Maths has presentations and downloadable workbooks which are easy to use for parents. New material is being released each week.



STEM Learning has an online resource bank, which links to resources on external websites. The site features a live chat function offering support from subject experts. New home learning resources are being developed.

BBC Bitesize has interactive resources covering the Primary Science Curriculum.



Delve into the Natural History Museum from home with a virtual self-guided tour of the galleries, an interactive experience about Hope the blue whale and audio guides narrated by Sir David Attenborough.

You can also try some activities at home.