Partnership Work
As Stanford Infant School, we work in a variety of partnerships with other schools. Working in partnership aims to strengthen our school’s leadership capacity by providing opportunities for staff to step into leadership positions, either within their own school or across partnerships.
We are part of the Hove Partnership of Schools
“Working Together to Improve Educational Experiences and Outcomes”
Our Core Offer
There are twelve schools in the Hove Partnership. We are committed to ensuring the very best education for all our children and young people and recognize that our moral purpose extends beyond our own school gates. We share accountability for what happens in our schools, and challenge each other within the safe and trusting ethos that we have created.
Any child attending a schoolwithin the Hove Partnership of Schools will have access to excellent teaching, learning and leadership.
Stanford Infant School is a member of the Sussex Coast School Alliance (SCSA).The Sussex Coast SA takes a lead role in helping schools across the city and beyond to develop and improve. In particular. working with schools to develop leadership, train new teachers and drive up standards. For more information please visit the TSA Website by clicking on the link: