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Stanford Infant School

Online Safety

Please click on the image below to view a copy of our Online Safety Policy, which details our holistic approach to keeping our school community safe online:

We have also developed a child-friendly Online Safety Policy, which can be viewed by clicking on the image below:

Every year we observe Safer Internet Day. This academic year it took place on Tuesday 6th February 2024. The theme was:

Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online.


Please click on the image below to find out more information about Safer Internet Day 2024. 



ChildNet has engaging online safety stories for young children aged 3-7 years.

Follow Digiduck® and his pals in these stories of friendship, responsibility and critical thinking online.


Click here to view the most recent addition of Safety Net's E-Zine; this is produced by local children’s safety charity Safety Net in partnership with the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board and sponsored by East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service.


We recommend some simple rules to keep younger children safe online:

  • Make sure they ask permission before using the internet
  • Only let them use websites you have chosen together or a child friendly search engine
  • Ensure they only email people they know (why not consider setting up an address book?)
  • Teach them to ask permission before opening an e mail sent by someone they don’t know
  • Do not let them use internet chat rooms or social networks
  • Do not use their real name when using games on the internet (create a nickname)
  • Teach them to never give out a home address, phone or mobile number or to tell people where they go to school
  • Ensure they only use a webcam with people they know
  • Encourage them to tell you immediately if they see anything they are unhappy with
  • Using these rules

Go through these rules with your child and pin the up near to the computer. It is also a good idea to regularly check the internet sites your child is visiting e.g. by clicking on History and Favourites. Please reassure your child that you want to keep them safe rather than take internet access away from them.

For further information go to:

  • CEOP: www.ceop.gov.uk – Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command
  • Think U Know: www.thinkuknow.co.uk – used in schools and the place to start
  • Childnet: www.childnet.com – helping make the internet a great and safe place for children
  • Internet Matters: www.internetmatters.org  – helping parents keep their children safe online
  • UK Safer Internet Centre: www.saferinternet.org.uk – online safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online
  • Common Sense: www.commonsensemedia.org – honest reviews of games, apps and films by parents and children
  • Helping Kids Stay Safer Online www.o2.co.u,/help/nspcc – the NSPCC joined forces with o2 to provide parents with the skills and tools to help keep children safe online
  • My Family’s Digital Toolkit: My Family's Digital Toolkit - tailored online safety advice | Internet Matters - the charity produces a wealth of practical information and guidance on keeping children and young people safer online across four age ranges from 0-4 yrs to 14+ with guidance on, for instance, setting controls for devices and platforms.

When searching the internet we recommend you use one of the following search engines:

For more advice, you can contact the Online Safety Helpline on 0844 3814771

The National Online Safety Team have developed a #WakeUpWednesday campaign. Each week they create a free guide for parents/carers to share information about dangers and risks of online games and how to keep their children safe online.

This free guide for parents/carers can be viewed by clicking here: https://twitter.com/natonlinesafety/status/1011992663002963969

We are signed up to Parent Info, a news feed service from Parent Zone in collaboration with CEOP. This provides expert information to help children and young people stay safe online. Please click on the link below to be directed to the Parent Info site or scroll down to access all the content.


7.06.24 - YouTube Kids

24.05.24 - YouTube

17.05.24 - Tiktok

10.05.24 - Supporting children's mental health

3.05.24 - Sharing photos online

26.04.24 - Setting boundaries around gaming

19.04.24 - Roblox

28.03.24 - Music Streaming

22.03.24 - Wellbeing Online

15.03.24 - Disney+

8.03.24 - Among Us

1.03.24 - Amazon Alexa

9.02.24 - 10 Tips to keep your children safe online

23.02.24 - 14 Acts of Kindness