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Stanford Infant School


Children in our Reception Classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-years-foundation-stage-framework–2

This curriculum is play-based and involves children's self-selecting activities, whole class activities and small adult-led activities by the teachers and support staff. Adults very carefully observe the children and plan progress for each of them by intervening in play and also planning targeted teaching to move to learn forward.

The foundations laid in Reception ensure that children are ready for the transition to Key Stage 1 in Years 1 and 2.

The new National Curriculum was launched in September 2014; we have designed a curriculum that is real, relevant and standards-driven. It is constantly being reviewed to ensure it meets the needs of our current learners.

Along with all other maintained schools in England, we will be required by the government to teach the revised National Curriculum from September 2014.

The curriculum is ‘what’ will be taught. The Government has slimmed these requirements down to enable schools to add areas they feel children need for their development.

The curriculum does not dictate ‘how’ things are taught. That is down to us!

At Stanford Infant School, we aspire to offer an ambitious curriculum that engages, challenges and inspires our learners. The content of the Early Years Framework and National Curriculum is delivered through exciting Learning Journeys, creatively planned and sequenced to build on the skills and knowledge acquired over time, which is fully inclusive for all of our learners. Successful learning behaviours are developed through all areas of learning to ensure that children are prepared for the next stage of their education.

We will mix a rich cross-curricular approach to make learning fun, with discrete teaching of specialist subjects such as computing and physical education.


A copy of our Curriculum Map from Reception to Year 2 can be found by clicking on the link below:

whole school curriculum map 2023 2024.pdf



For more information regarding the curriculum please visit the Department for Education Site: https://www.gov.uk/national-curriculum

A copy of our Assessment Policy can be found here: Assessment Policy 2019-2020.

End of Year Expectations for each Year Group are as follows:

End of the Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception)

End of Year 1 Expectations

End of Year 2 Expectations

We also follow the ‘Feeling, Good, Feeling Safe’ Personal Safety programme developed by Brighton and Hove City Council. The aim of this innovative ‘Feeling Good, Feeling Safe’ prevention programme is to support schools to effectively develop all children’s skills to keep safe, to be resilient and to seek help if they need it. It also encourages staff, parents and carers to take responsibility for keeping children safe.

You can view the document by clicking on the link below:

‘Feeling Good, Feeling Safe’

You can view the Lesson Plans for Reception to Year 2 by clicking on the links below:

Reception Lesson Plans

Year 1 Lesson Plans

Year 2 Lesson Plans